January 04, 22

Best Masks for Teachers: KN95, N95, KF94

Omicron is surging.  Teachers once again find themselves on the front line.  Each district across the US is implementing different rules. Read: Palm Beach County school teachers return to work with new mask mandate  So, which masks should teachers being using to protect themselves? We learned that fabric masks cannot be trusted.  Read: Why Cloth Masks Might Not Be Enough as Omicron...

October 23, 20

Wearing a face mask has become common during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s recommended that you wear...

October 22, 20

THE IMPORTANCE OF HAND HYGEINE AT WORK  We’ve all heard throughout the Covid-19 pandemic how...

October 13, 20

In March, people scrambled to get their hands on any personal protection equipment (PPE) they...

October 01, 20

After several months of suffering earlier this year, restaurants across the United States happily reopened their doors at the...

September 25, 20

Widespread use of face masks has been determined essential to combat COVID-19’s spread, but it...

September 23, 20

Throughout any given workday, employees use their hands to write up a report, shake hands...

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