January 04, 22

Best Masks for Teachers: KN95, N95, KF94

Omicron is surging.  Teachers once again find themselves on the front line.  Each district across the US is implementing different rules. Read: Palm Beach County school teachers return to work with new mask mandate  So, which masks should teachers being using to protect themselves? We learned that fabric masks cannot be trusted.  Read: Why Cloth Masks Might Not Be Enough as Omicron...

August 21, 20

There have been quite a few stories in the media lately about hand sanitizer. The FDA has...

August 18, 20

(CNN) - Schools are reopening, amusement parks are welcoming back visitors, and outdoor dining is the...

August 10, 20

If you’ve been watching professional sports in recent weeks, you’ve likely seen game officials, TV...

August 07, 20

Ultraviolet light technology is becoming more popular among companies that are implementing a multi-tactic approach...

August 06, 20

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, this week said wearing goggles or an...

August 05, 20

July 9, 2020 -- As one of the best lines of defense against coronavirus, N95 masks...

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